The K20 Redmi will have dual-frequency GPS

The famous Xiaomi Mi 8 Flagship of 2018 was the first smartphone of Xiaomi to incorporate this feature that allows the smartphone to work with the L1 band + L5.

The CEO of Redmi says, Lu Weibing, this dual-frequency made that terminal and its applications may be accurate in the orders of search for a place on the map. In addition, during the route guidance will show us a more exact location at the point where we are. This will cause that as a result we get always the reference point we wanted to get.

Conventional smartphones that brand or other manufacturers of smartphones sold have nothing more in support of a single frequency band, being the L1 band, which makes that more interference can be ionospheric and distortion effects in the interpretation of the route we are going to have tall buildings that cut the signal. With the support of the L1 band + L5 remedied this point.
This means in turn that Redmi family will have for the first time with two smartphones that add this feature, which is added to NFC function, which is also the first time that Redmi adds it in a terminal of mid-range smartphone such as the K 20.

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